Felix Felicis
~ Want to know why.....
Chalk is considered by seasoned stone carvers as one of the most difficult of stones to shape, as the material may literally powder away in your hands, if you are not delicate with the handling. A chalk can also have many defects and voids in its structure, this makes chalk carving a very difficult and precise art.
.........and I may have mastered it.
~social muggle
~working towards making HSR Layout (Bangalore) beautiful!
~Every canvas is a journey all its own.

~artistic muggle
The earth is a wondrous creation. From barren deserts to lush rainforests; from swelling oceans to cloudy skies... the earth provides endless inspirations for visual artists. Nature's palette is everywhere we look. Throughout history, artists have found endless inspiration in the mysterious beauty of nature and the grandeur of the earth's varied landscapes.
Landscape art is a one of a kind painting capturing a man's point of view of nature ..varying from abstract to spiritual
Mine turned out to be abstract.
After all, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.
~artistic muggle
Mandala art is a geometric design that holds a great deal of symbolism in Hindu and Buddhist cultures. Mandala art is a Sanskrit word for “magic circle”. Basically mandalas are circles contained within a square and arranged into sections that are all organized around a single, central point.
A lesson that I personally learnt from this form of painting is that, how creative our minds can get when we have a special interest in something we want to do and we end up achieving it in any way possible.
For instance, mandala art is usually done using a dotting tool, but we could also do it from scratch using tooth picks or the end of our paintbrush or if we are in the top notch of out creativeness, we could use peas on a tooth I side.. discoveries our creative minds make are beyond incredible.!

~artistic muggle
Glass painting is a contemporary art which has been derived from the age old art of stained glass painting which involves putting smaller coloured pieces of glass together. It was a common feature in high windows and doors etc in the olden times and can still be seen in churches and old buildings.
Glass comes in various shapes and forms just like our creativity.
So, go ahead, find your own piece of glass.
~artistic muggle
Oil painting dates back for centuries and is an incredibly far-reaching artistic practice. The earliest discovery of its usage goes as far back as the fifth century A.D. to the Bamian Valley of Afghanistan, where Indian and Chinese artists created hundreds of paintings in the nexus of caves there.
The most important thing I learnt from this painting is that not everything in life cannot be rushed and everything has its own pace and will happen when it needs to be done. So, all we gotta do is have a little patience or maybe a whole lot when it comes to oil painting.